
It is true? Debunking COVID vaccine myths

  • 2 mins

Vaccine hesitancy is a real thing in Australia, but with a return to life as normal relying on herd immunity, it is vital that everyone understands the difference between a social media hypothesis and scientific fact. If you are considering having the vaccine but have heard or read stories that have you concerned, please refer to the below links to help reassure you of the vaccine’s safety.

Is it true that…?

  • The vaccine was developed too quickly to be safe? COVID-19 vaccines have been developed without compromising quality, safety and effectiveness. Click for more.
  • Does the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine cause blood clots? There has been a link established between the AstraZeneca vaccine and a very rare but serious side effect called thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia. There is a very low chance of this side effect, which may occur in around 4-6 people in every million after being vaccinated. As a health care worker, you have access to the Pfizer vaccine if you prefer instead of the AstraZeneca. Click for more.
  • Can COVID-19 vaccines connect me to the internet? COVID-19 vaccines do not- and cannot – connect you to the internet. Click for more.
  • Can COVID-19 vaccines give me COVID-19? No. None of the approved vaccines in Australia contains the live virus. Click for more.
  • Is the vaccine roll out a cover to collect DNA? No. The COVID-19 vaccine is an injection, nothing is taken from your body in this process. Click for more.
  • Will the COVID-19 vaccine work if the coronavirus mutates? All viruses mutate. Evidence tells us that the COVID-19 vaccines will still be effective against these new variants.

>> To learn more about the above, and other common vaccine questions, please head to the Department of Health website by clicking here.

Please keep your views on vaccination to yourself

A reminder to all team members that regardless of your own personal views on the vaccine, you are not to share these views with service recipients. At the moment in Australia, vaccination is a personal choice and it is up to each individual to research and consult with their GP regarding the right vaccine and decision for them. Sharing your own personal views about the vaccine, whether for or against, can be confusing for service recipients. Any advice regarding vaccinations should be provided to a service recipient by their medical practitioner only.

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