
Keep your cool this summer

  • 2 mins

Australian summers are H.O.T! Days of 40+ are becoming increasingly common, and whilst we all know being careful in the heat is important, being mindful of a few simple tips can make a huge difference to your safety during summer.

We encourage you to:

• Pay attention to weather reports – watch your local news channel for an update nightly to ensure hot weather doesn’t catch you off-guard. Or, the Bureau of Meteorology also offers a great app with real-time data (click here for download info)

• Review medications with your doctor – there are a range of medications that can cause side effects including dehydration. If you haven’t reviewed this for a while, we encourage you to make a time to catch your doctor to discuss.

• Reduce caffeine and alcohol – during the hot weather, a nice cool drink can be appealing but with caffeine and alcohol both diuretics, it’s a good idea to be mindful of how much you are having on a hot day. Be sure to keep your water intake up to avoid dehydration.

• Take note of the colour of your urine –  as appealing as it is to look at your own urine, it can be a key indicator of your hydration status! If your urine is too dark, this is a sign of dehydration and you should immediately drink water.

• Stay cool – use whatever means  you have at your disposal to keep cool. Air conditioners, fans and even a good old-fashioned flannel in the freezer can all be helpful at reducing core body temp on hot days.

If you require further advice on how to stay cool in summer, please visit the Department of Health website or speak with your GP.

Helping to keep our team cool

We would also like to take this opportunity to ask that whenever you receive a service from a HenderCare team member on a hot day, that you please turn on fans or airconditioners where possible. Our team can get mighty warm assisting with domestic and other duties and your assistance in providing a safe working environment will be appreciated by all!
On days of 38°+, from time to time we may also need to reschedule any outdoor services you have booked to help keep both you and our team out of the suns rays for the hottest parts of the day. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact our Service Delivery Team on 1300 764 433.
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