
A reminder on zero tolerance behaviour

  • 2 mins

At HenderCare we would like to remind people we have a zero tolerance policy towards abuse, neglect and violence of those in the disability sector.
As an organisation in the disability sector, HenderCare strongly supports the National Disability Services (NDS) initiative ‘Zero Tolerance’, which is all about educating those in the disability sector on the rights of service recipients and how to be aware by following the steps of understanding, preventing and responding to any abuse. HenderCare strongly supports the work being done and message shared by the NDS on encouraging workers in the disability to being aware of abuse and speaking up to prevent the occurance of abusive behaviour towards vulnerable members of our community. Our service recipients are at the heart of what we do at HenderCare and a focus on each service recipient and their human rights as an individual is of the highest importance to us as an organisation. We want all workers to be aware of the available tools and information available to them from the NDS website, including an informative powerpoint on what constitutes abusive behaviour and how to speak up about such behaviour.
HenderCare stands with the NDS commitment to speak up and take action on:
– Anything that does not support a person’s rights
– Anything that might make a person feel or be unsafe
– Anything they could be doing better
For more information on the NDS resources, click here.
And for all HenderCare staff, follow the link here to access the HenderCare Incident Report Form.

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