
An important reference point

  • 3 mins

In July 2018, HenderCare introduced their first Reference Group in South Australia. Designed to improve the overall systems of care for service recipients, the reference group is an additional avenue for those receiving HenderCare’s services to voice their opinions and experiences.

Now, well over 12 months on, HenderCare is delivering reference groups consistently across the aged care and disability sectors and will be adding a third, staff reference group, later in 2019.

Whilst all HenderCare service recipients have the option to provide feedback to the organisation at any time, reference groups provide a regular platform for those receiving services to let the business know what is working well and where improvements are required.

HenderCare CEO, Amanda Blight explained that groups like these were also necessary for providers to be able to get an understanding of service recipient need.

“At HenderCare, we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of services delivered.

These reference groups have become essential in better understanding the general requirements of service recipients. They provide us the insight we need to ensure we meet these requirements.”

As a result of past reference groups, HenderCare has implemented several business changes. Some of these have included improved monthly statements and the introduction of an in-house allied health team.

Regular member of the Disability Participant and Carer Reference Group, Jodi McGuirk expressed delight about being provided a platform on which to contribute her voice as a carer.

Jodi joined the reference group shortly after her daughter started receiving services through HenderCare. She explained that the chance to have a say about the services her daughter would be receiving appealed to her straight away.

“The Reference Group has been a great confidence boost for myself, knowing I can have a say in her care. It is so valuable as a parent.”

She was also grateful for the opportunity to meet other participants and carers who were in a similar situation and to share their personal experiences.

As a busy mother caring for her daughter and juggling a busy caring role, Jodi expressed the relief of knowing she has a say. “It has made the world of difference.”

With reference group expansion into other states planned for 2020, those interested in joining the aged care or disability reference groups are encouraged to get in contact with their coordinator to express interest. Alternatively, they can email hello@hendercare.com.au directly.

For those who wish to provide feedback but do not wish to participate in a reference group, feedback can always be provided by emailing feedback@hendercare.com.au, in writing, calling 1300 764 433 or in person.

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