
Free webinar Aug 31: Reforming in-home aged care and regulation

  • 1 min

As you may be aware, the recent Aged Care Royal Commission put forward a number of recommendations to improve the aged care sector.

The Australian Government previously were working towards introducing these reforms from July 2023 but with an aim to develop a well-considered in-home aged care program, a decision has been made to revert to the original timeframe suggested by the Commission of July 2024.

To help explain these changes, the Department of Health and Aged Care will be running a free, optional webinar on August 31. This webinar is for older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector.

It will cover the next steps for reforming in-home aged care and provide updates on:

  • The outcomes of previous consultations and how input from these consultations has informed the program’s future direction and will inform the development of the new Aged Care Act
  • Designing a new approach to regulating aged care and the development of an overarching Aged Care Act, including upcoming engagement opportunities to inform this work
  • The urgent review of the Aged Care Quality Standards, including upcoming engagement opportunities

You will have an opportunity to submit questions during the webinar.

If you are unable to attend the webinar a recording will be available on the department’s website within 7 days of delivery.

>> Click here for further information and to register for the webinar.

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