
‘Cat & Mouse’ book published in Kriol 📚

  • 1 min

When you’re at the library or perusing around a bookstore, most of the time you will be able to find the book you want, and it will be published in your preferred language; but that’s not always the case for all.

Reading stories in our preferred or spoken language may seem like a given, but others can find it much more difficult to find a book that’s been translated for their needs. Imagine finding the book you’ve been after only to find that it has been published in a language you’re not comfortable with.

As part of a past HenderCare Foundation Remote Communities grant, a donation was made to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. They have used part of the donation to publish a book called ‘Cat & Mouse’ in Kriol and English. The book is an amazing addition to their community publishing projects.

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation works to ensure that young indigenous Australians living in remote communities can access reading materials and help children develop foundational comprehension in literacy.

To learn more about the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, click here.

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