
Enjoying food over the festive season

  • 2 mins

The festive season has almost arrived, and with it are plenty of invitations to gather with family, friends and colleagues, usually over shared food and drinks. This can be stressful if you have special dietary requirements like texture modifications or a feeding tube or if you are working on having a more caring relationship with your food and body.

Here are some tips from our Dietitian team to keep in mind:

  • Maintain your regular eating routine – it is easy to feel like you need to restrict your food or ‘save room’ in the lead-up to an event with a shared meal, but if we do this, we are more likely to eat past the point of comfortable fullness when that meal does come around, and that can feel more uncomfortable and chaotic! Eating regular meals and snacks means you can include a festive meal as part of our normal day of eating, just with some different options and socialising alongside it!
  • Talk to the hosts ahead of time to find out if they are able to cater for your dietary needs – this might be having a meal modified for you, having a quiet space at the event where you can do your tube feeds, or it might be easier to eat before the event or bring your own food – whatever is the right decision for you.
  • Give yourself permission to eat and enjoy all foods that may be on offer – the festive season only happens once a year and is a time to fully experience the joy of food and quality time shared with friends and family.

Below is a recipe for a lovely lemon and blueberry tart, suitable for people on a Puree Diet, as well as those with Coeliac Disease (Gluten Free) or a Dairy Allergy (Dairy Free), but able to be enjoyed by everyone!

Give it a try for an inclusive dessert this festive season.

(Recipe published in: Beyond the Blender – Dysphagia Made Easy)

Beyond the Blender – Dysphagia Made Easy cookbook is available as a free download here.


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