
Supporting Your Daily Life: Occupational Therapy at HenderCare

  • 2 mins

Occupational therapy supports individuals in improving their daily living skills and achieving greater independence.

At HenderCare, our occupational therapy services are tailored to help you stay safe, active, and engaged in your daily life.

Our occupational therapists work closely with the individual to create custom plans for their specific challenges and needs. Our services include:

 Help with Daily Activities: We can assist with improving skills for daily tasks like showering, grooming, using the toilet, cooking, and shopping. We can also offer support at home and in the community to ensure individuals can participate in their chosen activities.

Home Modifications: We can recommend and provide design changes to make homes more functional and safer. We can also help in finding suitable homes that offer the needed support for individuals. We are experienced and skilled at assessing and making recommendations for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL) needs.

Assessments of Functional Capacity: We are skilled and experienced at assessing an individual’s functional capacity and making recommendations around the types of supports and assistance an individual needs to optimise their participation in living a good life.

Assistive Technology: This includes helping people choose the best assistive technology and equipment to participate in daily activities and to stay independent and safe, such as wheelchairs, beds, hoists and manual handling equipment and shower chairs.

Mobility/Safety Checks:  Our therapists can evaluate how to improve movement and safety.  We can also assess fall risks and create plans to prevent falls and injuries. We can also focus on making daily transfers and handling tasks safer.

Positioning and pressure management: We can assess and make recommendations to help mitigate development of pressure wounds and we can provide recommendations and intervention to help optimise positioning for comfort and function.

Sensory Processing: Our therapists can support people who are experiencing difficulties in taking in information from their senses and responding appropriately to it. This information can be related to sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, as well as internal sensations in the body like pain and movement.

Emotional Regulation: We can also assist people who are experiencing difficulties in regulating their own feelings, emotions and behaviours. 

For more information or to inquire about our services, please contact us at alliedhealth@hendercare.com.au or call 1300 764 433. To explore our full range of therapy services, click here.

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