
Meet Alex!

  • 2 mins

As of July, HenderCare started offering adult Occupational Therapy services from our brand-new office in Cheltenham, Victoria!

We are thrilled to welcome Alex Li, an experienced and passionate occupational therapist, to our allied health team. Alex brings with him a wealth of experience working with adults with disabilities and older individuals and a passion for supporting people in reaching their goals.

Let’s learn a little more about Alex.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Alex: My wife, my two lovely daughters, and I moved to Australia 2.5 years ago. I like reading, writing, researching, and watching soccer in my spare time. I enjoy working with people and treasure every moment I can learn or upskill myself.

How long have you been an occupational therapist?

Alex: I have been working as an Occupational Therapist for 18 years now!

What inspired you to pursue a career in occupational therapy?

Alex: I enjoy helping people to overcome challenges that they experience due to their disability. As OTs, I believe we can make positive changes in people’s lives, and that’s the reason I wanted to pursue a career as an Occupational Therapist.

Do you specialise in any particular area of occupational therapy?

  • Cognitive training
  • Aged care
  • Assistive technology advice
  • Environmental modifications 

What are the rewards of working with clients to achieve their goals?

Alex: It is very rewarding to assist clients in gaining independence in self-care and enhancing their quality of life.

I also find it rewarding to work with my clients to achieve their goals, watch people become more motivated with therapy, and help clients develop skills and strategies that support long-term independence and well-being.

We thank Alex for sharing his thoughts with us and wish him good luck in his new role with HenderCare.

If you or a loved one would like to access Occupational Therapy services with Alex, click here to put in a referral, or email our allied health team at alliedhealth@hendercare.com.au.

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