

HenderCare’s dietetics team are passionate about empowering older people and those living with a disability to build a positive relationship with food and nutrition. Contact us to learn more.

Understand the Role of Nutrition in Your Health and Recovery

Food and nutrition play an important role in promoting your mental, physical and social well-being. Good nutrition can help create a strong immune defence against infection, increase your energy levels, and improve your overall wellbeing. The types of foods that you eat, and your ability to maintain a regular eating pattern can have a significant impact on your physical and mental health. It is important to build supportive eating patterns that can improve the management of your medical condition or disability, as well as improve recovery from injury or illness.

Are You Eligible for NDIS Supported Dietetic Services?

If you are living with a disability, you may have challenges getting the nutrition you need from your diet. HenderCare’s dietitians take into account the physical, cognitive and social aspects of your disability, to provide holistic and tailored support. There are many medical conditions that can be helped with dietetic support. Some of these conditions include diabetes, high cholesterol, weight concern, malnutrition, gastrointestinal conditions, kidney disease, neurodegenerative diseases, mental health issues and stroke.

We are able to provide dietetic support to adults and children with specialised needs from the result of neurological conditions and acquired disability, such as spinal cord injury and amputation.

We welcome referrals from doctors with nutritional concerns about their patients. If you are not sure if you are eligible for NDIS, talk to your doctor about your condition to find out whether our NDIS dieticians can help you.

How Can HenderCare’s Dieticians Help You?

HenderCare follows the Health at Every Size® framework, offering weight-neutral care to help promote sustainable food and nutrition management. We provide education and support to help you shop for healthy foods, plan your meals and prepare ongoing healthy meals. We offer educational resources so you can understand how your diet can support your health and wellbeing. We also provide educational support for carers.

We develop nutritional strategies that consider your medical condition and develop an individualised support plan that suits your circumstances. We also consider your allergies, food intolerances and the challenges arising from your medical condition and how to overcome them. Our eating plans support flexible individualised eating needs that take into consideration hunger, satiety, nutritional needs, cultural customs, social eating, and enjoyment.

What Are the Specific Health Benefits of a Dietetic Plan?

After our dieticians have looked at your individual health circumstances, we will begin to create goals, and implement strategies that move towards those goals. The most common goals are increasing nutrition for wellbeing, support against disease and infection, weight loss or gain, and injury recovery and rehabilitation.

Our strategies to meet these goals are varied but include such topics as nutrition education for healthy food shopping choices; portion control, managing the obstacles and challenges of your medical condition or disability, education support for carers, meal planning; non-judgmental encouragement, giving advice for choosing healthier meals when eating out, strategies for cooking healthier meals, and tools for achieving and maintaining a comfortable weight.

Contact us today online or by calling 1300 764 433 to find out more about our NDIS dietetics support services.

Contact us today online or by calling 1300 764 433 to find out more about our NDIS diet & nutrition support services.

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