
2019 CEO Message

  • 3 mins

2019 has been a remarkable year for HenderCare. One of our busiest years to date. Following are some of the highlights of the year that was.
This year we celebrated 15 years in business and saw unprecedented growth in our aged care and disability services. We surpassed 1,000 commendations nationally and expanded our team of field staff in order to meet the increasing demand for our services from the community.
We broadened our management team by recruiting key people and promoting staff internally. This ensured we managed our growth strategically and didn’t lose our dedication to quality service delivery. Our internal promotions included Emily Welyhorskyj being appointed as our Chief Operating Officer and Graham Sherlock accepting the Quality, Safety and Assets Manager position. Both Emily and Graham were ideal candidates for their respective roles and I feel very confident they will both excel in these newly created positions.
Shortly we’ll be commencing the refurbishment of our SA office space to accommodate the growing internal state team. The redesign of this space has afforded us the opportunity to make our office disability accessible and ergonomic. HenderCare’s growth also necessitated our VIC office to relocate to a larger premise in St Kilda.
I am pleased to say we were again successful with our ISO Quality, Safety and Environmental audits across all states and that we are in a great position to undertake our 2nd stage NDIS Practice Standards audit and ACIS 2018 certification early in the new year.
The Royal Commissions into Aged Care Quality and Safety and Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, have required all providers to look closely at their practices. I feel confident that our continual improvement ethos keeps us in good stead to remain a compliant, trusted and ethical provider.
Under our Children’s Services division, HenderCare Foundation continued to deliver quality support to children placed into emergency and residential care and we look forward to rolling out the Foundation’s therapeutic care model in 2020, under the direction of newly appointed Business Development Manager, Amanda Porter.
Our range of services continued to expand in 2019, with the commencement of our Allied Health division in South Australia. We are already establishing HenderCare as a market leader in this field and have plans to commence allied health services in all states in 2020.
By mid-2020 we will complete the transition to our new software with all field staff members having access to an app that will make working with us more seamless. This new system will remove the need to submit paper timesheets, facilitate the acceptance of services and provide up to the minute information on the services you accept.
In closing, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your commitment and dedication to our service recipients this year, and wish you and your families a very happy festive season and a wonderful 2020.
I look forward to working with you again in the year ahead.
Amanda Blight

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