
Co-payment and timesheet reminder

  • 1 min

During COVID-19, HenderCare has introduced a number of measures to help reduce the chances of cross infection at service.
Several of these key changes have included:
• removing the requirement for you to sign timesheets
• removing the need for service recipients to sign timesheets
• removing the need to collect cash co-payments
If you normally collect co-payments for Veterans Home Care or Council-related services, please cease doing so. The service recipient will be invoiced or contacted by HenderCare or the relevant council at a later date.
If you have not yet downloaded the latest timesheet, please ensure you do so immediately by downloading from Qintil. The updated timesheets require you to mark off that you have asked the required safety questions upon arrival at service.
We remind all team members that these are important measures designed to protect your health and safety. If you have any questions, please speak with your Coordinator.

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