From May 1 2020, it will be mandatory for any team members who attend Residential Aged Care facilities to be vaccinated for influenza.
HenderCare will be required to ensure that we have a record of the flu immunization before booking team members into services at Aged Care facilities.
Human Resources will be ensuring that any records of immunization are recorded in allocations.
In order to check the vaccination details screen please follow the below instructions:
• In Allocations, click on ‘Staff’ option to open the Staff Masterfile window (see below).
• Uncheck the ‘Show Terminated?’ checkbox to view on Active employee profiles.
• To check the Influenza (Flu) vaccination record, click on ‘Extra’ tab.
• If employee has received the Influenza (Flu) vaccination, the records will show up under ‘Vaccination Details’ tab as below.
• Please ensure to check the validity of the vaccine has not expired by checking the ‘Expires On’ field. If there are no Influenza records found, it would mean that either the employee has not received the vaccination or has not submitted the evidence to the concerned to update their records.