
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Foundations Program

  • 2 mins

This course is designed to help HenderCare team members learn the foundations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. This course is required to be completed by all HenderCare team members (excluding HenderCare Foundation) by Friday, March 20.
This online course covers a range of topics helpful in developing a better understanding of the rich history and culture of Australia’s first people.
Specifically, the course covers:
• 5 Indigenous Cultural Awareness Foundations
• A brief insight of Indigenous Australia today
• Traditional stage (before the year – 1770)
• Colonisation stage (between the years 1770 – 1967)
• Modern stage (between the years 1968 – 2019)
• Effective engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
All HenderCare team members (excluding Foundation) are required to complete this online training by close of business Friday, Mar 20. Once successfully completed, please forward your email of completion to training@hendercare.com.au. HenderCare team members will be paid one hour (at Mon – Fri standard rates) for the time taken to complete the training.
To complete the course, please follow the below steps:
31. Go to this link – https://yourmob.thinkific.com/
32. Click on “Indigenous Cultural Awareness Foundations Course (Single User Only)”
33. Click on button that says “Buy”
34. Create a new account and push button “Sign up”
35. Click on text that says, “Have a coupon?”
36. Put in your unique coupon which can be found here: foundations3
37. Complete the course
Forward certificate/email confirmation of competed course to training@hendercare.com.au.

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