Aged Care
Did you know that hearing loss is more common than heart disease, cancer and diabetes? This week we look at Hearing Awareness Week, supported by Deafness Forum Australia and World Hearing Forum. The week is all about recognising the number of Australians who suffer hearing loss everyday and understanding the signs of hearing loss, particularly
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As the Chief Executive Officer of HenderCare, I wanted to personally update you on the evolving coronavirus situation and how HenderCare is working to protect your health, which include the precautions we are putting in place. Your health and your capacity to safely access the support services you require is of paramount importance to HenderCare.
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At HenderCare, we have been closely monitoring developments and advice surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus). During this challenging time, we wanted to assure you that we are committed to continuing with a ‘business as normal’ approach and are dedicated to ensuring the ongoing safe delivery of essential services in the community. We will continue to follow, and
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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is all about prevention, as well as providing support to patients and families. February is Ovarian Awareness month As there is no early detection test for ovarian cancer, all women need to be aware of the symptoms. Around 1,550 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Australia each year, with more
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If you are considering getting the flu vaccine this year, please refer to the below important information. Flu is easily spread. This health and safety initiative can reduce the impact of seasonal flu in your workplace and home. When you get the flu vaccine, you’re protecting yourself, your loved ones and those around you. And
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At HenderCare, we firmly believe that feedback is crucial in helping our business to grow. With a strong focus on continuous improvement, we have recently updated our Feedback and Complaints Policy. Below is a brief FAQ to assist you in best understanding the process and how to provide feedback or lodge a complaint. If you,
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The aged care system is complex and can be confusing. If you have been looking into aged care services for yourself or someone you love, we’ve put together a brief Q&A video to help you better understand the process to access in-home aged care services. If you have been considering in-home support services for yourself
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At 94, Gweneth has no plans to leave her home of 51 years. This is her story where she talks about the support HenderCare has provided and the value of her relationship with her regular support worker, “Mr Fix-it”, Peter. After being recommended to HenderCare by a family member, she now receives regular help with
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If you currently receive aged care services and live in South Australia, we invite you to be a member of our South Australian Aged Care Consumer & Carer Reference Group. If you currently receive aged care services and live in South Australia, we invite you to be a member of our South Australian Aged Care
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This is the question that former broadcaster, Bob Byrne has been asking our community since 2013. What started as a small hobby has now blossomed into an online community of close to 180,000 followers and a series of published books. At HenderCare we are thrilled to announce Bob Byrne as one of our brand ambassadors!
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