

  • Purchasing PPE with NDIS funding

    • January 2021

      3 mins

    Here at HenderCare we understand COVID-19 has changed the way many of us go about our daily lives. For so many NDIS participants, particularly those living in areas with active COVID-19 cases, it has become increasingly important Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is easily accessible to ensure protection for both participants and workers. The NDIA have

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  • This month we recognise Sensory Processing Awareness Month. The month is about educating others on what sensory processing disorder is (SPD)

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  • Occupational therapists play a vital role in supporting those with a disability and older people; they help people to maintain and improve their independence and physical safety in some of life’s daily activities. We sat down with one of HenderCare’s occupational therapists, Rachel, to discuss in more detail what occupational therapy involves. What is occupational

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  • We recently sat down with HenderCare’s Senior Physiotherapist, Varisha to discuss how her skills assist older people and those living with a disability to reach their goals. What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy involves the use of physical techniques to help improve a range of health indicators including movement, strength, balance and gross motor skills. As a

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  • R U OK Day

    • September 2020

      4 mins

    Today we acknowledge as R U OK? Day here in Australia. It’s about encouraging those often difficult conversations around our mental health and to make sure we check in with the ones we care about. We spoke with HenderCare psychologist, Branka Radovanovic, about the impact of such a simple question and how to ensure we

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  • Speech Pathology Week

    • August 2020

      2 mins

    Today marks the beginning of Speech Pathology Week. The theme of Speech Pathology Week this year is Communicating with Confidence. At HenderCare, our experienced speech pathologists will work with you to achieve your communication goals and help you ‘communicate with confidence’. We do this by talking to you about how your communication is now, what

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  • Meet Peich. Peich has recently joined HenderCare’s Allied Health team as a Speech Pathologist. We sat down with her to learn about her role, how she got into the industry and her favourite thing to do on the weekend. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what is your role at HenderCare? I am

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  • Earlier this week we announced the beginning of Men’s Health Week both here in Australia and around the world. The week is all about highlighting the importance of getting men talking about their health and being proactive towards health issues they may face. One particular and major health issue many men face is testicular cancer.

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  • June is Aphasia Awareness Month, and today on June 3 we recognise ‘Wednesday With our Words’. Around 1,500 South Australians develop aphasia every year. Wednesday With our Words is all about raising awareness around aphasia and debunking many of the myths and assumptions of those with the condition. Aphasia is described as a loss of

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  • International Nurses Day

    • May 2020

      2 mins

    Today is International Nurses Day, a day to celebrate and honour the incredible work of nurses around the world, especially during this time of COVID-19. We spoke to one of HenderCare’s Registered Nurse Clinical Educators, Anne Moseley, on how COVID-19 has changed her role and the importance of keeping our team members and service recipients

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