
Meet our Allied Health Team: Peich, Speech Pathologist

  • 2 mins

Meet Peich.
Peich has recently joined HenderCare’s Allied Health team as a Speech Pathologist. We sat down with her to learn about her role, how she got into the industry and her favourite thing to do on the weekend.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what is your role at HenderCare?

I am a Speech Pathologist – currently, I am working with adults with disability but am also (very) slowly learning the skills to work with paediatric clients too. As Speech Pathologists, we work with people with disabilities, their families and network to support their communication function so they can express themselves, have their wants/needs met, and also to engage socially and meaningfully. “Communication” is a big umbrella that includes speech, language, voice, and also alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) systems, such as devices that ‘speak’ or using signing. Speech Pathologists also assess swallowing function and overall mealtimes, so that we can recommend the safest textures of foods and fluids, as well as strategies to ensure safe swallowing.

What drew you to this particular role and industry?

I actually “fell” into speech pathology accidentally but was completely fascinated by it from the get-go. As someone who is social and a generalist (skill-set wise), I love working in disability because it gives me the opportunity to work with a very diverse group of people. Working with different people also means that I have the opportunity to learn about all the different areas of speech pathology. Everyone is unique and the way they communicate is also unique, it is very enjoyable trying to figure that out with them.

What do you enjoy doing the most on weekends/your days off?

I enjoy a mish-mash of down-time hobbies including painting, latin dance, creative writing, etc., but my go-to activity would be eating out. Love a good brunch.

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