
Speech Pathology

At HenderCare, we provide our clients with advanced speech pathology services in Australia. Our speech pathology services will be able to assist if you’re having problems with communicating and/or if you have problems with swallowing. Read on to learn more, or feel free to contact our team online, via email or by calling us. Our team is always looking for ways to help you live the fullest life possible.

All treatment is client centred and goal focussed. We work with private and NDIS speech therapy clients, their families, carers and other members of the treating team to achieve the best outcomes. Our speech pathology services can assist you with:

Verbal Communication Assistance

If you live with speech difficulties, language delays, language disorders, voice problems, stuttering, or other verbal difficulties, our speech pathologists will guide you to help improve your communication. Moreover, the qualified clinicians at HenderCare will teach you to communicate with clarity so that you can participate in your chosen daily activities. We also conduct assessments with health professionals to understand the cause and nature of the problem, and determine the best treatment or procedures to help you to succeed. We also provide speech pathology services for children as part of our therapy for children programs.

Optimising Functional Communication

Some people live with ‘severe expressive communication disorders. Our speech pathologists will work on optimising functional communication through assessment, trial and selection of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems and/or assistive technology. When we use AAC systems, we apply multiple ways of communication to supplement or compensate for the disability and impairment patterns of people who live with severe expressive communication disorders. Such systems may have temporary or permanent results.

Supporting Functional Literacy

Our speech pathologists at HenderCare will assess your functional literacy if you demonstrate difficulties or avoidance behaviours. We work on your literacy skills and encourage you to develop them. We also help you to work on your spelling, writing, and reading skills. Moreover, we support functional literacy such as the development of daily schedules, routines, recognising functional life signs and symbols, and more through recommendations, strategies and resource development.

Recommendations for Safe Mealtimes

Many adults have swallowing problems for several reasons such as changes in their teeth, gums, and the shape of their mouth, or they may have experienced a stroke or bouts of pneumonia. Another reason for swallowing problems is a lack of saliva. In all of these cases, a problem with swallowing can be dangerous. The possibility of choking, meal avoidance or developing eating disorders are just some examples. Issues with swallowing can also lead to insufficient consumption of the required nutrients. Our qualified and experienced speech pathologists at HenderCare will offer recommendations and strategies for safe mealtimes for those living with swallowing difficulties. 

Get in Touch with Our Speech Pathologists

For help improving your ability to communicate, get in touch with our speech pathologists online, email alliedhealth@hendercare.com.au or call us on 1300 764 433.

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